Thursday, December 30, 2010
What’s in your hand?
The 3rd house in horoscope is ruled by dozens of significations (from siblings to place of death, and from courage to performing arts). But hand is one of the neglected features of 3rd house. While the sign Gemini – 3rd from Aries – signifies hands of Kalapurusha (symbolic celestial man). Third house and Gemini also reveal all kinds of expertise that carry out through hands.
This write-up tries to address the hands. Classical Jyotish sources point out issues related to hand that are no longer appealing to people, for instance, use of hands in war, whether one’s hand will be cut-off by kings or not, or hands will be suffered from leprosy etc.
The fundamental thesis or one-liner is “planets sambandhi with 3rd house/lord reveal the things native's hand usually holds, uses or excercises”. For sambandha (planetary relationship), simply follow four kinds of relationship, described by Parashar. However, the relationship (sambandha) between a house and planet is bit different from relationship between two planets. A planet may relate to a house or sign through (a) occupation, (b) aspect, (c) rulership. On secondary level, dispositors also appear functioning. Say, Libra and Taurus are occupied by enemy of Venus, or natural malefic planets, then effect of Venus will automatically turn problematic and malign.
Following outcome are based on scribe’s inference from Jyotisha sources, and observation from real life. It would be injudicious and misleading to just see what planet is in 3rd house. Instead, the greater number of planetary relationships depicts a picture. If two powerful benefics are aspecting a malefic in 3rd house, then simply follow result of benefic. A mere Jupiter in 3rd house does not necessarily indicate a man holding a sacred bead (simrun) in his hand, unless lord of 3rd be natural benefic and trinal houses are domiciled by natural benefic planets. Similarly, blindly concluding that a native holds a stick or staff only on the basis of Saturn in 3rd may be misleading, unless other related planetary signature are not present. Girls, having natural benefics in 3rd house or with 3rd lord, used ornament their hands with henna (mehndi) and do manicure.
Sun sambandhi with 3rd House/Lord or Gemini
Native’s hand holds signing authority or any other kind of command. On account of his courage, he will exercise certain extent of power in his life. His hands will also produce fire and light. Does it mean that a man will always holds a match-box or torch in his hands? Obviously not. But his hands are somehow related to light in any way or in any form (depending upon the presence of fiery signs), whether he is an executive of energy sector, or village watchman having lantern in hand. He may also encounter world of showbiz for a short time. With Sun under influence of sattwic graha, he is fond of burning the lamps and candles in temples and shrines. Sun in 3rd house or with 3rd lord is a welcome condition. This yields an opportunity to shake hands with executives or leaders of any field. Sun rules over all things related to authority. He holds a card or pass that allows him to enter the exclusive company or club of elites. A powerful Sun in said condition shows that native’s hand will ring the bell of authority’s office and he will often travel with executive class. Something of gold or golden colour is there in his wrist or fingers. Moreover, his hands are good in hunting. If Sun is in 3rd house, or sambandhi with 3rd house, or in Gemini then native should leave the house after switching-on a light (or lamp or a small orange bulb) of pooja room or drawing room. (This is a totka/remedy, and not for daily routine but for leaving home for some important task).
Moon sambandhi with 3rd House/Lord or Gemini
This shows a man with sweating hands, or a man having glass of water, drink, or cup of tea most of the time (provided rasi/amsa is watery or there is a watery planet in 9th house, or at least Moon is void of fiery planet’s relation). He is used to drink water during meal more frequently than others. The man will have a habit of washing his hands unnecessarily. If said Moon is in a malefic sign then drink or tea often slips from the hands of native. But he may be dexterous in propelling the oar or driving the sailing boat. If Saturn is sambandhi with mentioned Moon then water related affairs influences his profession (e.g. fisheries, beverage, salesmanship etc.). Waning or afflicted Moon indicates that native is one among siblings who has to wash family clothes from his/her hands (this is a common astrological signature in the charts of Asian household girls). Waxing Moon in 3rd and another benefic in 9th may give not only beautiful hands but also attractive chest and hips to women (provided no natural malefic in or aspects langa). Moon yields expert hands in all watery affairs. With little guidance, this native can become good, perhaps very good swimmer (if there is not heavy influence of fiery planets on tanubhava). Don’t wonder if his computer or mobile desktop has wallpaper of river, lake or waterfall. During discussion, he likes sharing tea or cold drink, especially with women. He is fond of making and serving coffee and tea from his own hands. If Moon is in 3rd house, or sambandhi with 3rd house, and/or in Gemini then for a successful endeavour, native should leave the house after taking a few sip of water or milk (this is just a remedy).
Mars sambandhi with 3rd House/Lord or Gemini
The native will not necessarily hold gun all the time, but he may have inclination to exercise weapon in his life. He can easily become a good shooter or a body guard. Jyotish scriptures say that this planetary disposition gives fighting hands. Being labourer, he may also have hammer or drill-machine in his hand (if said Mars is sambandhi with or trine to Saturn without any beneficial aspect). In the presence of other evil combinations, he may also turn into an assassin or mercenary having arms and blood in his hands and ultimately compel to wear iron handcuffs. On a positive front, he has natural dexterity to open or fit a machine or automobile. Just think of an expert mechanic. If other benefic also sambandhi with such a Mars, then native will be a surgeon, or mechanical engineer. He may be at home in chopping vegetables and slicing meat. This is quite true for women in general, who usually take care kitchen affairs. Women of this planetary disposition are proficient in cutting clothes (via scissor) or cooking. But hands of native will definitely have mark of cut or burn.
Mercury sambandhi with 3rd House/Lord or Gemini
This is a very interesting planetary disposition, when a robust Mercury got sambandhi with 3rd house, its lord or resides in Gemini. The native will definitely be expert in any kind of communication. His hands carry pen, books, letters, laptop, computer mouse, or microphone. He publishes or broadcasts something in his life. Even a common household lady with this combination is a chatterbox and used to communicate messages among relatives and neighbours. Spreading information is the keyword here. A man whose fingers press the button (for letters and numbers), or use to turn the pages of book. This does not infer that all the people who uses mentioned articles surely have Mercury sambandhi with 3rd house or its lord. But the native of this combination will have natural interest and opportunities to exercise them more than others and with more proficiency. A typical example of Mercury sambandhi with 3rd house, its lord or Gemini, is a man who often indulges in mobile phone affairs (the widely used gadget of our age, ruled by Mercury). His fingers can smartly dance on computer keyboard and it is hard to beat such a native in board games or video games. He gathers smart amount of old and new books or sometime his house contains a nice library.
Jupiter sambandhi with 3rd House/Lord or Gemini
A man having sacred bead is an outcome of Jupiter involved with Gemini, 3rd house or its lord. If Jupiter, in said sambandhi position, be in moveable sign then native will roam a lot. His hand is always ready to press the button of play for religious songs, recitation, sonnets, bhajjan, naat, and qawwali (provided there is no influence of tamassic graha or sign on lagna and trikona). He will heed advises of learned and consultant. He will have the fortune of ring the bell of noteworthy sacred places. The laptop or mobile phone in his hands contains a desktop having image of deity, sacred symbol or temple. He will take the oath of allegiance to the hand of sage or guru. He will also carry the books on theocracy, philosophy, jurisprudence, custom and law. But this is subject to holistic figure of planets in nativity. If Jupiter is sambandhi with paapi graha, and/or planets in trinal (9th, 5th) houses are tamassic then situation will be different. But at least he will shake hand with the people of these areas (or live/interact them without any real benefit). He may also involve in writing and replying on the subject related to religion and nationhood. Moreover, native’s hand will not only help his siblings but also serve parents of spouse.
Venus sambandhi with 3rd House/Lord or Gemini
Jyotish cannons describe this position as a tight-fisted man, i.e., he is often proved miser in spending. But Venus related with 3rd house or its lord brings an innate inclination towards artistic pursuits. The native will be fond of playing musical instruments. His hands can produce beautiful melody, if he finds opportunity and environment. He has a great collection of songs in his iphone and computer directory. Another significant indication of such a related Venus is luxurious and fine articles or gadget in his hands. Usually new models of cell phone, walk-man, hand-bands and bangles are seen in their hands. Besides, he is born with beautiful fingers and appeared wearing costly ring with a gem. Being indicator of sex, Venus in said position or related to 3rd lord produces hands that are gifted in caressing and touching. Resultantly, art of his hands can arouse appeal in opposite sex. His hand often holds ‘hand of woman’ in his life: during childhood mother’s hand, in younghood spouse/girlfriend’s hand, and in old age daughter or nurse’s hand.
Saturn sambandhi with 3rd House/Lord or Gemini
With afflicted Saturn: a man with a stick in his hand, and it is true to real life as well. Saturn in 3rd directly casts an aspect over 12th house and gives weak legs (provided there is no relieving benefic aspect). That’s why Jataka Tatva maintains that native (of 12th house Saturn) holds a stick in his hand. However, this may happen in old age only, if there is no planetary signification of lameness in natal chart. But there are greater chances that native’s hand holds anything related to physical deficiency or old age (stick, wheelchair, walker etc). But in young or middle age, Saturn sambandhi with 3rd house or its lord also yields articles of labourer and servant in hand, i.e. spade, yoke, broom, brush, duster, cleaner etc. Powerful Saturn in mentioned sambandha makes one very industrious. Otherwise, his hands will carry the burdens of others. In other words, his hands do any work that cause meager or no monetary return. Obviously counter benefic aspect over such a Saturn or dispositor in desirable position does not render one a farmer, menial or labourer. But planet’s innate current remain underline and manifest in relevant dasha and antardasha. Even if native is rich, he likes to work in his garden or use to perform daily chores with his own hands.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Julian Assange and WikiLeaks
After reading various interviews and biographies of Assange, my perception turned into belief that his entire life revolve around the nucleus of dragon’s head. Rahu, the demon of ancient lore who is known for stealing the nectar of gods and rendering them embarrassing. So is Assange doing by stealing the secrets of governments, corporate sectors and organizations.

A son of touring theatre runner and performer, Julian Assange opened his eyes in a small town of Australia. Various sources, including Wikipedia, Time Magazine and Forbes Magazine tell that Julian Assange was born on July 3, 1971. Yet, suggests June 13, 1971, through one of his interviews. But in any case, no definite time of birth is available; perhaps, there are serious doubts over the exactness and reliability of mentioned date of birth. The reason is Assange himself. He is so weird and secretive that he enjoys seeing others perplexed, surprising and shocked. A journalist of Times of Sunday (London) quotes “… a figure so elusive that he even refuses to confirm his age: “I prefer to keep the bastards guessing.” Isn’t the trait of Rahu? But it is impossible that Assange has no date or time of birth. Recently, Interpol (after issuing Red Notice against him) confirms his date of birth as July 3, 1971 (probably through his passport). Following figure depicts the Moon chart of Julian Assange.

As mentioned earlier, Assange born in a touring-theater family. In astrology, touring-theater itself falls in the jurisdiction of Rahu. His mother Christine, twice divorcee, has another son (foster brother of Julian Assange) from her second husband. Christine and foster father of Assange parted in 1981. She had to escape and remained hidden against the fear of litigation filed by his second husband. Consequently, Assange had a psychologically upset and difficult childhood, probably with a deep rooted hatred for father (Rahu/Saturn damn against pitru karaka Sun). This impulse might later turn into his karma of anti-imperial, anti-establishment and anti-government.
Assange also has unusual and breaking schooling. He changed as many as 37 schools and 6 universities in different cities. This is probably due to profession of parents that asked for keep changing places like nomads. Later, he himself lived a life rover (a typical attribute of Rahu sambandhi Mercury, generally in 4th house or Cancer, without benefic influence of Jupiter or Venus). It is often quoted that he can’t stay in one place for more than few days. He had an early interpersonal relationship with a girlfriend (in 1989) and had a son in 1990. But like his parents, Assange experienced short run association with his girlfriend (spouse) that ended in 1991. Later he was charged for and found accused of hacking and corrupting the university networking system. During entire 1990s he remained involve in writing software, creating hacking techniques and studying different disciplines.
His voyage of mundane success began in 2006, at the age of 36/37 (second return of transit Rahu over natal Rahu), when he founded the It is a website that virtually publishes unavailable and confidential documents through anonymous sources and leaks. Who knew until few months ago, that this endeavor of Assange would become nightmare for rulers and government officials. But in the absence of Assange’s correct birth details, discussing and foreseeing these matters are risky, perhaps highly misleading. Fortunately, the date and time of launching of is available. In fact, it can be rechecked through host domain and other sources. WikiLeaks was first launched on October 4, 2006 at 5:54:19 am GMT (i.e. October 3, 2006 at 10:54:19 am, California, USA) with Gemini lagna and Aquarius Moon. However, in order to avoid legal consequences and threat of ban, it is now running from Sweden.

In earlier paragraphs, I did not discuss any astrological combination in Assange’s natal chart due uncertainty and unavailability of birth detail. Rather, my observations focused on various significations of Rahu that Assange holds.
But it would be interesting to analyze the horoscope of Assange’s virtual baby “WikiLeaks”. In the launching chart of WikiLeaks, Gemini rises in Scorpio amsa. For Gemini, Scorpio is the shashtamsa and unveils maligning and vindictive intention. Gemini is widely related to patrika (i.e. letters, messages, notes, books, blogs, information etc.). The trinal houses are powerfully domiciled by all natural benefic planets (Jupiter, Moon and well-associated Mercury) without any malefic association and aspect. This signature promises sudden acknowledgment due to wave of luck rather gradual efforts. Out of nine planets, 5 planets and lagna fall into dual signs, 3 planets are in moveable signs, while only Moon abodes in fixed sign. Assemblage of planets in non-fixed sign indicates continuously changing and a dynamic behaviour of WikiLeaks. In future too, the shift of subject, mood and behaviour, is quite inevitable.
But what makes this venture of Julian Assange as most quoted websites of today? The obvious answer is Rahu. The 10th house (the seat of boss and owner of organization) is occupied by chhaya graham Rahu. And more so in Pisces – the sign ruled by slept, concealed and hidden matters. Note also that WikiLeaks is a non-profit hub of confidential information and has hundreds of unidentified and invisible volunteers – again a clear manifestation of Rahu in Pisces. Interestingly, Rahu is at rashi sandhi. So should we assume it weak? Yes as well as No. Yes it is weak for longevity perspective. But it is not weak for enjoying widespread fame in an odd manner (as it is heavily sambandha with other grahas in Virgo). In mundane charts, retrograde planet or lunar nodes at the very first or very last degree reveal something that happened either first time or last time, something very odd, reverting, surprising and shocking. However, this position may also forebode short lived place, thing, organization or venture (if other factors also endorse limited longevity). The conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury, (lords of all kendras) in 5th from Gemini lagna and 9th from Aquarius Moon, makes the impact factor of WikiLeaks very huge. Jupiter and Mercury are dispositor of Rahu and Ketu. And who denies that Rahu/Ketu stands for all things mammoth, leviathan, and unlimited. WikiLeaks – having millions of secret official documents and confidential correspondence – makes it first ever venture of its own kind and impact. But (fortunately or unfortunately) it has brought forth unparallel damage to various governments (Sun is aspected by Saturn and Rahu). Because of this damage and mutual misunderstanding, governmental rules of diplomatic business may change in future. WikiLeak’s rasi (D1) is very strong, but navamsa (D9) is bit weak, as most of the planets fall in either enemy sign or undesirable houses with respect to Gemini – the lagan in Rasi (here I’m referring the C.S. Patel’s navamsa-rasi reading technique).
About planetary direction, I’m skeptic whether vimshottari dasa should use or not. The reason being the total age of any institution can not be fixed like human being. Parashar mentioned 120 years for humans on earth, and not for other matters. Instead, many modern authorities have successfully used vimshottari dasa for timing events. In fact, Dr. B.V. Raman many a times applied 120-years vimshottari for elongation of various international accords, wars and even countries. Keeping in view the authorities’ practice, I try to dig out the dasa trend. Interestingly, WikiLeaks has been going through Rahu mahadasa soon after its launching (from 17 December 2006). Look the wave of karma in the form of repeated Rahu’s influence and on-going period of Rahu. At this time of unparalleled fame, WikiLeaks is running through Rahu-Jup-Venus pratyantar dasa that will last on March 27, 2011. This is the zenith of WikiLeaks. This pratyantar dasa may also make its founder Julian Assange, ‘man of the year 2010’.
In transit, Saturn is in Virgo over cluster of four planets and opposite to Rahu. Transit Jupiter is in trine to radical Jupiter+Mercury and over natal Moon. I think, WikiLeaks or its founder Julian Assange will encounter a blow and forced attempt of ban, just after mid December 2011, when transit Jupiter will conjoin natal Rahu in Pisces rasi and Cancer navamsa. However, this attempt from any authority will augment the existing popularity of WikiLeaks. On the other hand, transit Jupiter in the very Pisces (2nd to radical Moon) will shift the focus of WikiLeaks revelations towards financial scams, corporate frauds and internal politics of different governments.
But in late March and April 2011 (when transit Sun will combust transit Jupiter in Pisces and opposite to transit Saturn in Virgo), the mover and shaker of WikiLeaks will face serious opposition perhaps legal confrontations with not only governments but also with international organizations. Reckoning from other angle, malefic transit in 4th from lagna and 8th from natal Moon is ominous. Keep in mind that WikiLeaks was launched in nakshatra sandhi on Tuesday. WikiLeak’s radical Mars is already combust in 4th house in enemy sign. Mars is in debilitated navamsa with Rahu. This is not good for persistency and durability in mundane charts.
I guess that confrontation will lead to death of present form of WikiLeaks. But the ideology will not die out. WikiLeaks will reborn with another name and with another form. Organizations or ventures with dual rising rasi in Scorpio amsa often reincarnate after sudden decline.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Away from Home – Yatra Yoga
Travel is one of the neglected aspects in Indian astrology, or at least in the available sources of jyotish. Comparing other areas of life, travel has not been paid its due importance. Whenever there comes topic of Yatra (travel), the word of Teerth (Pilgrimage) appears sticking with it. Many Sanskrit and Hindi books provide a rich amount of astrological combinations for type of pilgrimages, success and failure of pilgrimage, and even death during pilgrimage. Yet, very few yogas appear regarding travel in general and for other purpose (say, profession, education, tourism, medical treatment etc.). It is also a matter of wonder that classical jyotish sources are mute about yatra karaka (significator for journey). B.V. Raman also endorsed this fact. However, many discourses attribute 7th house for traveling and roaming, while some astrological canons also alluded 8th house for crossing the river or sea. There is a confusion about the status of 9th house, whether it merely signifies teerth yatra (journey for pilgrimage), or teerth (pilgrimage) and yatra (journey). But most of the Medieval sources of Europe, Central Asia and Persia explicitly rank 9th house for travel, whether for spiritual or mundane purpose. Whereas, there is no dispute over signification of 12th house that stands for living abroad. Being 4th from 9th house, it is quite logical too.
1) Rahu is the karaka of long journeys and visiting far off and unknown places. Moon is the karaka of short journeys and visiting known places. The 7th and 9th houses shows the travel, 12th house indicates staying abroad.
2) Lagna and non-retrograde lord of lagna, both occupying fixed signs, suggest that native shall stay and prosper in mother land. But lagna as well as lord of lagna in moveable signs indicate that one shall roam and rise far from birth place.
3) Should lord of lagna be placed in 12th house from lagna, and 12th lord be occupied in 9th house having sambandha with Rahu or 9th lord then native will domicile abraod.
4) If 12th house from lagna lord be afflicted or occupied by Rahu, and its lord is enemy of lagna lord or be in depression, then native will go to foreign land.
5) If such a 12th lord from lagna lord is aspected by Venus then native will permanently settle abroad. Placement and strength of said 12th lord reveal success or failure in foreign land.
6) Lord of lagna or lord of 9th in 7th house having sambandha with natural benefics shows that native will live in foreign land for many years. It is more evident if sign in 7th house be non-fixed and any of the sambandhi grahas is the dispositor of Rahu.
7) Rahu, in trine or opposite to benefic 5th or 2nd lord, brings journey for higher studies and learning. Sun with Mercury if occupies Virgo in lagna or 10th house then it favours learning opportunities in foreign country.
8) One may go abroad for education, if a benefic 12th lord be placed in 4th house; or 4th lord from lagna occupies 9th house from Moon. Sambandh of Rahu/Ketu with said yoga, and lagna in non-fixed sign brighten the chances of studying abroad.
9) If Moon is in trine to Saturn, and majority of the planets be occupied in dual signs then one will continuously roam in city to city and country to country for the sake of work.
10) Sun or Moon in 7th house having sambandha with Rahu and 10th lord brings travel on account of professional purpose.
11) When natural benefics, especially Jupiter occupies or aspects 9th house and 9th lord resides in trine from ascendant then one will under take long journey for pilgrimage.
12) Rahu when occupies in 10th house in benefic sign signifies travel to sacred places. Rahu in trine to Jupiter, or 9th lord in 3rd house, or satva graha (Sun, Moon or Jupiter) in or opposite to 9th house brings journey for pilgrimage.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A note on the Horoscope of Imran Khan
The biggest problem in analyzing the horoscopes of celebrities is the unavailability of authentic and accurate date and time of birth. Birth charts of idols, icons, players, politicians and actors are not cent percent dependable for analysis. Like many famous figures of Pakistan, more than one horoscope is attributed to Imran Khan. Which one is correct, is a big question mark itself. As far as I know, astrological journals and online sources quote four different birth data for Imran Khan.
1) November 25, 1952, at 6:45 am, Lahore
2) November 25, 1952, at 3:20 pm, Lahore
3) October 5, 1952, at 9:35 am, Lahore
4) October 5, 1952, at 11:55 am, Lahore

In above list, the last birth detail (October 5, 1952, at 11:55 am, Lahore) has provided by an online member on e-group and quoted the recent official biography of Imran Khan as source. Coincidentally, this date and time is nearer to the birth chart of Imran Khan, stored in my personal birth data bank. The same birth date, i.e. October 5, 1952 is also endorsed by a noted Indian astrologer of London. On the other hand, the widely known and generally referred birth date of Imran Khan, i.e. November 25, 1952, is NOT correct.
Let’s have a look at the natal chart based on October 5, 1952, at 11:55 am, Lahore. No doubt, the well disposed planetary map around Sagittarius ascendant is enough to infer that this is a horoscope of someone really big and famous. Despite, I won’t consider the time of birth as cent percent fool proof. Instead, I would attempt to use R.G. Rao’s nadi methodology that does not ask for ascendant, but delineates different areas of life through karaka’s (significators’) mutual relationship (trikona and dwidwadasa), and predict the future via Sani and Guru gochar parayaya (transit cycles).
Jupiter – the jeeva karaka – is in Aries and forming sign-exchange with Mars, the shakti hastam. This indicates a man of athletic built having dynamic personality and fiery constitution. The mutual relation between Jupiter and Mars suggests a soul who believes in self efforts (sadhana). But such a native appears wasting his potential unnecessarily due to lack of prudence and farsightedness. Although, he is good at heart but often confronts criticisms and blames. Jupiter-Mars parivartana (reception) is strengthening the Mars but weakening the Jupiter.
Moon and Venus are simultaneously engaged with aforesaid planetary combination. Moon in Aries reveals an innovative and egoist mind. He is always known for performing something first time, perhaps a trend setter. Moon is sitting with Jupiter, constituting Gaja-Kesari yoga, which ensures victory over rivals and good reputation. But it is weaken due to retrogression of Jupiter. This planetary combination in dharma-trikona (fiery sign triplicity) indicates fighting urge and lot of travel. Furthermore, Moon with retrograde Jupiter shows that native will rise and shine away from place of birth (in fact, Imran Khan led many years of his younghood life in England, and later been domiciled there off and on). The Moon in opposite to Venus is a very fortunate yoga, as far as material comforts, luxuries and support from women are concerned. Venus in kama-trikona (airy sign triplicity) having benefic aspect of Moon and Jupiter, bestows association with beautiful and well off females. In fact, it is a sure signature of luxurious life. However, Saturn, and Mercury behind Venus, and no benefic ahead of Venus, reveal many illicit liaisons.
Let’s focus the karma karaka Sani. It is in artha-trikona Virgo with Sun and Mercury, while Rahu is in Capricorn. Saturn is the significator of career, Mercury stands for sports (apart from business and intellect), and Sun is the karaka of fame and authority. Interestingly, Saturn, Mercury and Rahu all reside in nakshatra of Mars. Counting from the Virgo – the sign where karma karaka Saturn is sitting – Mercury owns the 10th and 1st houses, and it is exalted in 1st house (this forms Budhikarma yoga). The native is clever and earns prosperity through sheer efforts. Saturn’s close conjunction with exalted Mercury and exact trine with Rahu suggests heavy influence of Mercury and Rahu in the career of Imran Khan (cricketer, charitable hospital runner, politician and an articulate speaker on television talk shows). Along with Sun, above combination renders the native always in news. Whereas mooltrikona Venus in 2nd house with respect to Saturn ensures financial stability in whatever field of profession he espouses.
There is an interesting planetary disposition that yielded Imran Khan two poles-a-part professions and great ups and down. It is the retrogression of Jupiter in 8th from karma karaka Saturn. According to nadi discourses, a retrograde planet behaves in two ways. In first phase of life, it yields the effect of sign and house, where it is domiciled at the time of birth. But in second phase of life, it gives the effect of sign and house, rear to its radical position. Thus Jupiter had been driven its influence from Aries in first part of life. But then after it functions as if it is sitting in Pisces. From Pisces, Jupiter comes directly opposite to Saturn and produces dharma-karma yoga. Mind that this darma-karma yoga is different from dharma-karma-adhipati yoga that is formed by sambandha between lords of 9th and 10th from lagna. Nadi canons say that Jupiter-Saturn yoga makes the native head of the people where he professionally engages (in fact, he did; he led his team, his hospital mission and later his party).
But the planetary map in the nativity of Imran Khan is not that simple. Jupiter is not only retrograde but also in parivartana. On timeline of life, the mutual exchange or parivatana functions akin to retrogression. In other words, the planets in parivartana, yield their ‘results of exchange’ in first part of life. Whereas, they give ‘result of being own signs’ in second part of life. Here, in case of Imran Khan, Jupiter-Mars exchange remained effective in his part of life, but the effect of Jupiter in Sagittarius and Mars in Aries (i.e. own sign result) has been actualizing in second phase of life. But what is the bottom line of this bit complex formation? The answer is two-way result. The Jupiter simultaneously manifests itself as in Pisces and as in Sagittarius.
Now an obvious question arises in mind, “what is the definition of first and second part of life?” Whether 30/32 years should consider as first part and later age as second part; or the entire longevity (ayush) should divide into two equal phases? I prefer the first criterion, that is, first phase of life means age until 30 years. Since it is the time when transit Saturn sojourns over natal Saturn: the first step of ‘professional maturity’.
Reckoning from birth (1952), the age 30 becomes 1982. That was time when Imran Khan became captain of the Pakistan’s cricket team and made headlines of his outstanding performance against England in English soil. But next year he had to leave the captaincy, perhaps there were lot of inconsistencies until his retirement from cricket. He was the captain from 1982-83, 1985-87 and 1989-1992. This is due to afore-discussed double role of retrograde Jupiter in parivartana. On-way, Jupiter is good in second phase of life, when it yields it effect from Pisces (7th-opposite to Saturn). But in the very second phase, it is not that favourable when it operates from Sagittarius (4th-square to Saturn).
For Imran Khan, the year 1992 turned the most memorable and most successful year of his life. During that year, he was going through his 40th year (October 5, 1991 to October 5, 1992). This year falls under the bracket of forth guru gochar parayaya and second sani gochar parayaya. Perhaps, guru’s 4th parayaya runs from 1988 to 2000, and sani’s 2nd parayaya runs from 1981/82 to 2011/12. Note the 4th house from Jupiter and 2nd house from Saturn for their general effect. The 2nd house from natal Saturn is Libra, where Saturn’s fast friend Venus abodes in a very powerful designation. If you put Saturn in Libra for result of second phase of life, then this combination becomes Sat+Ven+Jup(R)+Moon, a fortunate yoga for great achievement. Now the 4th from natal Jupiter is Ketu, sitting alone in Cancer, and the lord of Cancer, i.e. Moon is with Jupiter forming Gaja-Kesari yoga. In fact 1992 was the year, when he announced (after winning the Cricket World Cup) the mission of opening first charitable cancer hospital in Pakistan in the memory of his late mother. If you combine the karakttva of Ketu, Moon, Jupiter, and sign Cancer, you would reach the said conclusion.
During the very forth cycle of transit Jupiter (1988-2000), Imran Khan married with Jemima Goldsmith on May 16, 1995 when Rahu was transiting in Libra over natal Venus and opposite of natal Jupiter. The day of his marriage was Tuesday and transit Moon was in Scorpio! That was a very unfortunate mahurtha that ultimately led to end of his marital life within few years (though they officially parted in June 2004). Nonetheless, merely a bad mahurtha can not be a sole responsible for short-lived marriage. Actually, in his natal horoscope, kalatara karaka Venus falls in the nakshatra of Rahu, which is highly undesirable placement, irrespective of janma lagna and janma nakshatra. Secondly, there is no benefic planet in 2nd, 4th or 5th from radical Venus. Venus having aspect of benefic planet leads to parting with wife peacefully, without any ligitation.
Just turn to year 1992 again. If the transit map of 1992 is analyzed then it is appeared that Saturn was transiting into Capricorn and Jupiter was moving in Leo. Both are trinal houses if counted from their natal positions. But a perplexing matter is the transit of Saturn over natal Rahu in 1992. A student may wonder how Saturn’s transit over radical Rahu produce acme of career. In general, it gives difficulties and demotion in professional life. The answer is the presence of powerful yoga in Virgo, which is trine to Capricorn. On the other hand, Jupiter was simultaneously transiting in 5th from natal Moon and Jupiter. Nonetheless, transit Saturn over radical Rahu did yield its effect, since it was the very year, when Imran Khan retired from cricket.
Another significant year in Imran Khan’s life was 1996, when he entered into politics of Pakistan with the slogan of ‘Justice for All’. At the time of announcement of his political party “Tehrik-e-Insaaf (Justice Movement)”, Saturn was transiting into Pisces, Jupiter was transiting into Aries and Rahu was transiting into Virgo. Transit Saturn opposite to natal Saturn, and transit Rahu over natal Saturn brought him into world of politics. Yet, it was soon proved a mirage, when he could not get a single seat in February 1997 elections. A similar kind of flop story repeated with Imran Khan’s party in 2002 general elections, when Tehrik-e-Insaaf got only 1 seat in the parliament and total of 0.8% popular votes. The reason being, there was no supportive yoga of politics in the chart of Imran Khan.
First of all, Mars is too robust in the chart of Imran Khan, and more so, it is powerfully sambandhi with Jupiter. Such natives do not see political success through elections. They often get authority through wind of luck, assistance of brother, military coupe’, revolution, or political vacuum. Secondly, Saturn (significator of politics) has interrupting or say two-way breaking relation with retrograde Jupiter (it is discussed in earlier paragraph). So he will hardly get any support from masses via elections. Unfortunately, Saturn is neither Atmakaraka (AK), nor Amatyakarka (AmK) in his chart, which is generally assumed a fortunate signature in the horoscopes of politicians. Thirdly, there is no sambandha (planetary relationship) between Saturn and Moon in his natal chart. However, for the second sani parayaya (1981/2 to 2011-2), transit Saturn has been activating its influence from Libra – a sign directly opposite to natal Moon. During this 30-year sani parayaya period, he earned public support but as a famed cricketer, charismatic icon, and dedicated head of charitable institution.
The next two years will be very dramatic in the life of Imran Khan, because Saturn is completing its second cycle (parayaya) in mid 2011-12 and starting its third cycle. At the fag end of second cycle with Jupiter transit in Aries and Taurus, Imran Khan will lead or move a mass political movement against government. This will be the last major chapter of his apparently popular and active political life. However, the real fruits will enjoy someone else, since there is no potential yoga in his nativity to emerge as head of the country through votes of masses. In his 61st year (from October 2012 to October 2013), Imran Khan will obtain a distinguish award or title from any international organization for his lifelong services. Even any respected institution may offer him honorary authority or moderation. The reason behind this forecast is the strength of Aries and Virgo (61st year falls in first house during sixth 12-year cycle of Bhrigu Chakra). In the year 2015, he will again hit the headlines in national and international front for something odd and outstanding. But in either case, he will not gain public support in elections. During year 2016, when transit Saturn will be moving into Scorpio, and Rahu into Leo, he will practically leave the on-going political activities, and start focusing other areas of life.
The third sani paraya will not prove beneficial for Imran Khan. His health and accumulated assets will see decline, though his name will remain fresh in the minds of people until his death, as natal Jupiter is sitting with Moon. After 2013, he will more incline towards, charitable deeds, children’s concerns, and public reformation. He could hardly see the time after Rahu’s ingress into Aries over radical Jupiter, i.e. after 2022.
In mentioned above analysis, I’ve not considered any astrological argument from proposed Sagittarius ascendant. If one takes Sagittarius lagna, then even upcoming Guru mahadasa (16-year major period of Jupiter from February 2014) will not be favourable for political rise, due to parivartana between Mars and Jupiter. Mars had already enjoyed the beneficence of Jupiter. Now Jupiter mahadasa will give result of Mars. Thus, rather making Imran Khan an elected prime minister, the Jupiter period may bestow him and his children fame and dignity in other areas of life, besides and change of running work environment.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Make Your Daily Horoscope Yourself
Every second among us curiously read his/her daily forecast in newspaper, e-magazine, igoogle, facebook, or astrological websites. Whether we are dogmatic or skeptic, we generally have a look at “How is your day”, “Today’s Horoscope” etc. either for the sake of curiosity or fun. But we do.
However, the daily forecast sometime proves correct and sometime fails to pin point the real happenings. The reason is obvious: it is prepared on raw grounding; i.e. it is generally hinged upon 12 Sun signs (tropical zodiac). In contrast to western astrology, Indian astrology is far potent in predicting life events (whether, periodical, yearly, monthly or daily) with greater exactitude. This does not entail that western astrology is of lesser caliber or inferior than Indian astrology. No way. Western parishioners have evolved the tropical forecasting system in terms of character reading, psychological traits, and the extant of free will. On the other hand, Indian or Hindu astrologers have been focusing concrete aspects of life in terms of fate for millenniums, for astrology is a part and parcel of daily life in Indian sub continent. Here a person is more concerned whether blah blah matter will occur or not. The native beneath the eastern side of sky does not much bother psychological patterns or personality types. So is the case with daily forecast. An eastern man is often anxious to know practical questions, viz.; whether today’s meeting will be fruitful? will I talk to boss about new project or not? is today good for submitting an important application form? should I visit home of in-laws today? etc. In short, his/her concerns usually revolve around practical and somewhat deterministic approach of life.
Coming to the subject of blog: make your daily horoscope yourself. The first question arises about the prerequisite. A little understanding about the fundamental of vedic astrology and daily planetary positions are enough to forecast your horoscope, provided you are aware of your natal chart. If the essentials of astrology is Greek to you then better is to leave this write-up at this stage. Now I enlist some steps before going into detail.
What you need
1) Mark your Janma Rasi (natal Moon sign) and Janma Nakshatra (natal Moon constellation).
2) Figure out running good and bad trends in your birth chart.
3) List the gochar i.e. transit of planets for a desired day or week via ephemeris or any astrology software.
Here natal or radical Moon is considered as reference point for reckoning transit. The reason being one’s daily life is primarily motivated by mental makeup, which is signified by the natal Moon’s sign and nakshatra at the time of birth. The transit with respect to Janma Lagna (natal ascendant) may indicate an event from mundane perspective, and transit with respect to a karaka from a certain person’s perspective indicated by that karaka. But it is only Janma Rasi and Janma Nakshatra that unveil our very personal mood and level of satisfaction. Suppose, a planetary transit with respect to Janma Lagna (natal ascendant) is showing ‘happiness’, but if the very transiting planet (or another planet) does not sojourn into favourable house with respect to Janma Rasi (natal Moon) then native can not enjoy that happiness. It is the mind that enables one to feel happiness and hardship.
A daily transit can not surpass dasa and annual transit
Before going to judge the daily transit effects, it is necessary to weigh the good and bad running trends in life. This can be judge from on-going maha and antar dasas and also from on-going transit of Saturn and Jupiter. The reason is obvious, a daily forecast can not supersede annual or periodical trend. During a favourable dasa, a good daily transit manifests its full effect, while a bad daily transit feels slightly. On the other hand, during an unfavourable dasa, a good daily transit hardly manifests its promising effect, while a bad daily transit hits the native with more than its usual intensity.
Secondly, the question of what kind of good and bad result is dependent on destined planetary pattern. This innate life pattern should judge from disposition of the planets in birth chart. Every expert and amateur of astrology is aware of the strong and weak aspect of life. And this disposition surely modifies daily transit effect. Say, a person has strong 4th house, and well disposed 4th lord and karaka, then unfavourable transit of Moon in 4th house will not much hit the native. Take another example, if someone has afflicted 10th house and weak 10th lord in birth chart, then transit of Moon in 10th house (that reoccurs every month) will not much benefit the native. Following the same reason, a mixed dasa/antar with mediocre Saturn/Jupiter transits, leads to average daily transit results. This is as simple as 2 plus 2 makes 4.
Technique to Apply
What planets one should consider for making daily forecast? A general reply would be “ALL”. But classical jyotish cannons emphasize on Moon for anything related to happen on a certain day. My mentor also taught me another factor, which has proved very efficacious in my practice, i.e. transit of the weekday lord. If one is looking for daily forecast on Thursday, then analyze transit of Jupiter along with Moon. If one is eager to know how will prove coming Friday then analyze transit of Venus along with Moon, and so on. On Monday, double the weight of Moon transit or add Sun with it. In short, a day is favourable when both the following conditions meet.
1) A day is all around auspicious (regarding personal satisfaction) when Moon is transiting into favourable rasi and nakshatra from natal Moon.
2) A day is auspicious when Lord of the Weekday is transiting in good houses with respect to natal Moon.
In aforementioned rule, favourable placement of transiting Moon is widely known and undisputed in Indian astrology. Transit of Moon in 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th houses with respect to radical Moon are considered auspicious. There is no difference of opinion about favourable effect of Moon’s transit in these houses.
The secondary consideration is the transit of Moon into various nakshatra taras. The heavenly belt of 360 degree is divided into 9 types of nakshatra tara. Starting from one’s natal lunar constellation, they are: 1) Janma, 2) Sampat, 3) Vipat, 4) Kshema, 5) Pratyak, 6) Sadhana, 7) Naidhana, 8) Mitra, and 9) Adimitra. Out of these 9 taras; Sampat, Kshema, Sadhana, Mitra and Adimitra are considered auspicious, and rest are inauspicious.
Order Tara Meanings
1-10-19 Janma Birth : Mixed Result
2-11-20 Sampat Wealth : Benefic Result
3-12-21 Vipat Danger : Malefic Result
4-13-22 Kshema Well being : Benefic Result
5-14-23 Pratyak Obstacles : Malefic Result
6-15-24 Sadhana Achievement : Benefic Result
7-16-25 Naidhana Death : Malefic Result
8-17-26 Mitra Friend : Benefic Result
9-18-27 Atimitra Fast Friend : Benefic/Mixed Result
The transitory result (good or bad) over Janma Nakshatra (radical lunar constellation) is somewhat disputed. Some consider it benefic above for transiting planet while some assume it ordinary place. I have observed that planets (especially malefic planets) yield adverse result when transit through pada (quarter) of Janma Nakshatra (natal lunar constellation). Janma Nakshatra Pada or Charan is the position similar to the rasi and navamsa of natal Moon. Yet, there are some authorities who assume Janma Nakshatra as a favourable place. On the other hand, there is consensus about rest of all nakshatra taras and houses. JHora, Parashar Light and other software provide list of all nakshatra taras in natal chart and also transit of Moon and other planets in these nakshatra taras.
Now take an example. Suppose a female is born with Moon in 27Pi40, then her Janma Rasi will be Pisces and Janma Nakshatra will be Revati. If she is eager to know how Wednesday August 4, 2010 (South Asia) will prove for her then keeping in view the yearly and monthly trend, we should first concentrate on transit of Moon in sign and nakshatra and then for Mercury which is weekday lord of Wednesday whose forecast is needed. Since on the mentioned day, transit Moon is in Taurus – 3rd from radical Pisces – therefore it is auspicious. The very transiting Moon is in Kritika nakshatra – in Kshema i.e. 4th tara from radical Janma Nakshatra – therefore it is again favourable. So transit of Moon is completely beneficial both sign-wise and constellation-wise. Now coming to second factor i.e., weekday lord. Since August 4, 2010 falls on Wednesday, therefore, we should judge transit of Mercury with respect to natal Moon sign (Pisces here). On August 4, 2010, Mercury was sojourning into Leo – 6th from Pisces – and hence very favourable. So combining the effect of transit Moon and transit weekday lord Mercury, we will deduct that Wednesday August 4, 2010 will be very auspicious for native with optimum results of Moon in 3rd and Mercury in 6th house.
Here a point is to keep in mind that astrological definition of day is different from general practice. In all astrological calculations, a day always begins with sunrise (and not on 12 midnight) and ends at the next sunrise. So in above example of August 4, 2010; the time span from midnight (12am) to sunrise will assume Tuesday, and not Wednesday. Therefore from midnight to sunrise, the weekday lord will be Mars, rather Mercury. Astrologically, Wednesday (lorded by Mercury) will run from sunrise of August 4, 2010 to sunrise of August 5, 2010.
Modifying Factors
Above is a coarse way of analysis. With experience you will able to blend other modifying factors or catalysts and deduct refine results. Some of the well known catalysts in transit include;
a) Vedha
b) Ashtakavarga
c) Mutual planetary relations in transit
d) Planetary transit results from other natal reference points
e) Panoti or Murthi
f) Strength of transiting planets
g) Dispositor of transiting planet(s)
But at this initial stage, I won't touch any of the above modifying elements, as every factor is itself a detailed subjects. Blending all these modifying factors is a tough job and may mess up one’s transit analysis. One can not analyze and synthesize the verdict without properly using reason, experience and intuition.
About Vedha, it should not forget that it can not entirely delete the transit result. Vedha has the capacity to strengthen or weaken the intensity of transitory effect of a planet. Moreover, vedha functions only when vedha-causing planet should stronger than transiting planets. But unfortunately, this point is often neglected.
Similar is the case of Ashtakavarga. In natal chart, the dots and dashes form a nexus of supporting harmony with respect to 8 different reference points. A house with smart number of digits in SAV (sarvashtakavarga) does not mean that no malefic transit can yield harmful result there. In reality, a potent sign in SAV has the potential to abate the feared evil effect up to certain extant. Remember higher SAV points can not completely convert a bad house effect into good one. But too high or too low SAV may act as powerful modifying agent. Too low (lesser than 20 points in SAV) may mar the potential of a sign. Transit of favrouable Moon in that sign does not produced good effect, even if it is 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th or 11th from natal Moon. Similarly, too high points in SAV may augment the strength of a rasi that an evil transit of Moon in it (especially in 4th, 8th or 12th) does not harm the native. On the other hand, various criteria of Ashtakavarga functions well for the transit of Saturn and Jupiter, because they stay in an ashtakavarga kaksha for weeks and months. On the other hand, concept of Murthi or Panothi yoga works well for judging the potential of 2-½ year transit of Saturn. It hardly amends daily transit results of Moon.
Other noteworthy modifying factors or catalysts include position and mutual placemen of transitory planets. It is known to all that a transiting planet in the sign of its exaltation, mooltrikona or own engenders a slight wave of general auspiciousness, whether transiting sign is good or bad with respect to natal Moon. Take an example, Sun is considered bad-cum-average in 5th house from radical Moon. But for a native of Sagittarius natal Moon, transit of Sun in 5th house, i.e. in Aries will not suffer the native (because Aries is the exaltation sign of Sun). However, for a native of Virgo natal Moon, transit of Sun in 5th house, i.e. in Capricorn causes quite tough and unfavourable.
But above all, mutual placement of transiting planets casts significant effect on aggregate gocharphalam. In other words, how a certain transiting planet getting favours of other transiting planet. According to this principle, natural benefic planets (in transit) in 2nd, 4th, 5th and 9th, and natural malefic planets (in transit) in 3rd and 6th with respect to transiting Moon (or any other transiting planet) boost its potential. This methodology is also taught in some classical jyotish discourses. I will highlight this topic soon as a separate article.
Significance of Weekday Lord Transit
For daily transitory effect, ignoring day lord is an unbearable mistake. Despite, amateurs and experts equally neglect its significance for daily forecast. Hindu astrology pays so much importance on this lordship that weekday order is followed everywhere in astrological computations. Seven planets owns all seven days of week, in the following order.
Sunday: Sun
Monday: Moon
Tuesday: Mars
Wednesday: Mercury
Thursday: Jupiter
Friday: Venus
Saturday: Saturn
Here lunar nodes, i.e. Rahu and Ketu are not entitled any weekday lordship. They often yield their benefic or malefic transit result on the day, in which they are transiting. That is, Rahu transit in Taurus will give its effect on Friday (because the lord of Taurus is Venus and its corresponding day is Friday). Sometimes Rahu and Ketu also give their transit effect on Saturday and Tuesday respectively.
Day is one of the prime components of panchanga – five limbs of time for daily consideration. Weekday or vaara is ruled by agni tattva i.e. element of fire and thus signifies spirit, durability and longevity of any task. Oftentimes people appear afraid of Tuesday and Saturday for natural malign characteristics of their lords. But if Mars is going through a good house then your Tuesday will not ruin, if Saturday is transiting into a favourable house then your Saturday will be quite fantastic.
Generally a well-transited day lord bestows favourable day, besides mitigating inauspiciousness of other transiting planets. Say, for a particular day, many planets are transiting through evil houses from natal Moon or casting ill aspects upon natal Moon or ascendant, but if weekday lord is favourable in transit then you will not experience much suffering, perhaps that day may prove favourable as a whole. On the other hand, if you expect Thursday as usual favourable then it will not; unless Jupiter is not sojourning into good places from your radical Moon or birth constellation on that Thursday. The good or bad results will be concerning to the house, in which weekday lord is transiting on that day, and to the house counted from radical ascendant. For example, a Virgo Moon and Scorpio lagna native will experience all around favour on Thursday concerning profession, learning opportunities, conjugal happiness and children if Jupiter is transiting into Pisces. The auspiciousness of Jupiter will be great if on particular Thursday, Moon and Sun are simultaneously good in transit.
Detailed Description of Moon’s Transit
Following is the results of Moon’s transit in different houses with respect to natal Moon sign. For daily transit purpose, ‘sign’ and ‘house’ are considered identical. However, transit of outer planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars) over or opposite to house cusp (bhava madhya) markedly produce good/bad effect. But for Moon transit, it is not relevant. The gist of given description is taken from classical texts, and expanded in the light of my personal observation and experience.
Transit of Moon in 1st House
Bhagya Uday – or a dawning of fortune is the result when Moon ingress into the sign, occupied by radical Moon at birth. It will be a good day, if transit Moon is not in Janma or Vipat nakshatra tara. You will hear any good news about yourself, whether it is about home, profession, family, friends or money. Something favourable will definitely manifest. You will feel more warm and more energetic with desirable meal and clothes, especially when Moon is in Sampat nakshatra tara. However, Moon in 1st house in Janma Nakshatra (and especially on the charan/pada of natal Moon) brings inner unrest, dissatisfaction, boredom or confused mental state. Experiment it. The transit Moon stays about 6 hours in Pada of Janma Nakshatra. Otherwise Moon in 1st house leads to all around success and happiness. One feels comfortable in home and workplace. It is a good day to start a new venture or joining a social forum. When weekday lord and Sun are also moving in favourable houses from natal Moon, then transit of Moon in 1st house leads to excellent results concerning all personal affairs. You will put on new or special clothes, have facial massage, hair setting and perfume. There will be delight and satisfaction due to appearance before group of friends. Walking, exercise and meditation will surely give you special benefit during Moon transits in 1st house.
Transit of Moon in 2nd House
The 2nd Moon when simultaneously transits in bad nakshatra, hits domestic budget and one’s diet. You will find unable to take your routine meal on time, or it will not satiate your hunger and taste. If you are going to experiment any new restaurant (during transit Moon is 2nd house and in bad nakshatra) then better is to postpone the plan for next day. It will cost you high and please you least. Another significant results about transit of Moon in 2nd house, classical texts accentuate is the dhana-nasa i.e. loss of material possession. Obviously it does not connote that one will loose his/her entire savings every month when Moon ingress into 2nd house. But it will definitely yield some declining monetary trend on this day. Notice it, if you are a shopkeeper, salesman or stock broker. The promised money you lent someone will not return today. You may get a notice of delayed payment, additional charges or problem in drawing cheques. House hold women will feel anxious about imbalance domestic budget during Moon’s transit in 2nd house, especially in unwelcome nakshatra. However, if said 2nd Moon is transiting in good nakshatra then it is a good time to think about family matters and studying favourite subject. If 2nd Moon is transiting into Sampat tara then you may expect slight monetary benefit, gain and good meal with family members. But as a whole the day will be somewhat mixed. Mixed trend suffers tiny issues and home chores. For example, you are tired and need tea, but found that there is no tea in the tea-jar or fruits in fridge are getting rotten etc.
Transit of Moon in 3rd House
These couple of days is indeed auspicious, perhaps wonderful if Moon is simultaneously moving in good nakshatra and weekday lord is also favourable in transit. You will feel yourself in limelight and ahead of your colleagues and coworkers with increasing self confidence, since this transit brings vijay i.e., victory in all undertakings. It is a promising time to advance new ideas and start new projects. If it is a holiday then go out for a picnic or excursion with friends and family. Even in home, you will feel a sense of enjoying and reveling. Transit of Moon in 3rd house is a good day for meeting with siblings, cousins and in-laws. If you are a student then choose this day for presenting your project report or assignment before the class. B.V.Raman maintains another signification of transit Moon in 3rd house, i.e. obtainment of money. Definitely money does not mean here huge amount of cash only. The word dhana suggests any kind of material possession. It may be mobile phone, wrist watch, vehicle, dress etc. Say, for students dhana may signify books, pocket money and computer; for house holds it is home accessories, jewellery and dress; for businessmen it is selling goods, cash and savings; for farmers it is grains and cattle. So transit Moon in 3rd house may bring addition in dhana, provided Moon is in good nakshatra and weekday lord is also moving in favourable house. If transit Moon in 3rd house is in evil nakshatra, or weekday lord is not favourable then an admixture of good and bad day is indicated.
Transit of Moon in 4th House
This is an evil transit regarding mental peace, travel and personal comfort. A sense of unease grips one’s mind during transit Moon in 4th house, especially in bad nakshatra tara. For transit effect of 4th Moon, most of the classical jyotish texts maintain bhay which means fear. In today’s context it may connotes mental unrest and uneasiness. What kind of uneasiness is dependant upon radical planetary disposition and zodiacal sign that corresponds to 4th house from natal Moon sign. So avoid open competition, meeting with higher-ups, traveling alone or anything that may indulge you in fear. One should also avoid visiting new places and meeting with new relatives, otherwise failure and mental anguish will surely result. It is also an unfavourable transit for dating. You may also stuck in the traffic jam, or you may get late for college bus or office van. You may find a seat in bus/train/tube that is not at all comfortable or too rushy. Don’t amaze if your car wheel gets puncture in middle of the way or a taxi driver is sucking your mind. It’s all due to unwelcome transit of Moon in 4th house. If you are young and have returned home late then ready for scolding of parents. It is suggested to avoid arguing with elders. If you are household then home cleaning and chores may render you tiresome. Nonetheless, Moon in 4th house, simultaneously sojourning in favourable nakshatra, slightly calm down the mentioned discomforts. Similarly, a strong natural benefic in 4th from Moon in birth chart, mitigates bad effect of transit Moon in 4th house. In other words, these unpleasing events may happen but substitute will be there for your relief and rescue.
Transit of Moon in 5th House
An admixture of good and bad but insignificant events are indicated when Moon transits in 5th house, provided there is no planet in this house in birth chart. If transit of 5th Moon simultaneously sojourns in bad nakshatra then slight indisposition and disappointment may result. One should concentrate on routine work without having much anticipation. Engaged couple engulfs in hopeless thought while married couple finds anxiety concerning their kids, provided at the same time, weekday lord is moving in bad house from natal Moon. Avoid advising anybody today otherwise it will not be fruitful for both. Similarly, 5th-Moon transit in bad nakshatra is unfavourable for buying lottery tickets and playing betting. Luck will not support you, especially if there is a natural malefic in your 5th or 11th house in natal horoscope. If you are a student, and transit Moon is going through 5th house in Janma Nakshatra then you will notice lack of concentration and difficulty in understanding today’s lecture. However, transit of Moon in 5th house and in good nakshatra may make the day bit favourable but without any big achievement. It sometimes yields good news about friends and siblings. Some traditional practitioners hold that transit of 5th Moon does not harm mahurtha, if it crosses 15 degrees. Thus unavoidable meeting or travel is passable in later half of 5th house transit Moon, provided weekday lord is also moving in good house. But, presence of well-disposed natural benefic in 5th from Moon at the time of birth somehow suggests a good day, when Moon transits over that benefic planet.
Transit of Moon in 6th House
A fine day for all kinds of undertakings, when transit Moon is going through sampat or sadhana nakshatra tara in 6th house. If you have been suffering from flu or cold from couple of days ago, then take a final doze and get ready for work as disease will probably wipe out today. This is a favourable day for working in team. Assisting your mother or spouse in home will bring happiness in domestic affairs. This is also a fruitful time to let your house or possession for rent. Transit of Moon in 6th house also leads to success over rivals and enemies. If you are planning to practically answer your competitors then it is a good time to attack. You will have an edge over them. Beginning physical exercise and sporting practice cause good health. In fact, there are bright chances of victory in games. However, transit of Moon in 6th house and in evil nakshatra is not that much fruitful. It will be an average day with a focus on servants, subordinates and pets. But during transit of Moon in 6th house in unfavourable nakshatra tara, if lord of the weekday is also transiting in bad house from natal Moon then stomach problem, misunderstanding with tenant and cousins may occur.
Transit of Moon in 7th House
This is a wonderful time for successful meeting, mating and business, as it brings sukha i.e. happiness concerning all such activities. You will dine and dress well and impress others with your conversation. In fact, it is a favourable day, for resolving differences and disputes. Be elastic and balance, nothing will hinder you to achieve success. Don’t surprise if you receive a sms or phone from your girl/boy friend asking to have a date, provided Sun and weekday lord are simultaneously transiting into good houses from radical Moon. Transit Moon in 7th also causes good return of trade (vayapaara), so traveling for professional purpose, negotiating and selling goods prove very favourable. If you are thinking to sell out your possession, computer, mobile phone or vehicle etc., then negotiate with buyer on the day, when Moon is transiting in 7th house in favourable nakshatra. It will give you optimum return. A comfortable and peaceful travel may happen if Moon in 7th is in movable signa and beneficial nakshatra tara. But Moon in 7th in evil nakshatra tara reduces level of personal satisfaction. If there are natural malefic planets in 7th from radical Moon in natal chart then emotional impulsiveness, misunderstanding with partner and fruitless wandering may bring forth.
Transit of Moon in 8th House
Chandrashtama is generally ranked most inauspicious transit of Moon among all 12 houses. TIP: If your lord of 8th house from natal ascendant is in 4th/8th/12th from natal Moon then transit of Moon in 8th from natal Moon will surely prove worst day of the month. There will be depression, solitary and physical discomfort. Young female and pregnant women experience glum behaviour and bodily sufferings which result in anguish and anger. Dietary schedule also suffer or one has to consume unpleasing drugs or syrups. Professionals find unexpected refusal of project, opposition in work environment and fear of failure. Often there arises exchange of hot words with authority or competitors. Being student, you may experience wrath of teachers and humiliation before friends. You should avoid chandrashtama for all kinds of public performances. Besides Moon, if weekday lord and Sun are also bad in transit then you will definitely encounter failure and disgrace. In similar transitory condition, one should avoid reckless driving. If you are associated with civil services or public dealing office then there is possibility of misunderstanding and quarreling with people. Better is to follow routine work without teasing or pricking anyone. Transit of Moon in 8th house and in good nakshatra does not benefit much, however, it ameliorates evils up to some extant. Consequently, native does not confront untoward event, sudden wrath of authority, quarrel with people and down fall from position; but only feel depression and solitary. It is good to pay more attention on meditation, reading books or watching movies in home rather meeting, traveling and launching new projects outdoor.
Transit of Moon in 9th House
This transit of Moon leads to an average day with low profile and lethargy if 9th house be vacant in birth chart. There will be feelings of bondage and stagnation. Expecting desirable results from governmental sources or immediate boss is futile. As a whole it neither yields significant favour nor disfavour. But if there is any powerful benefic in 9th house from natal Moon at the time of birth, then transit Moon in 9th (over that benefic planet) leads to some gain regarding signification of that natal planet. Nonetheless, transit of Moon in 9th house, in Janma Nakshara, brings lack of concentration and inner unrest. One finds unable to focus what he is reading, writing and heeding. Similarly, traveling on the day, when transit Moon sojourns Janma Nakshatra does not bear any desirable fruits. However, in good nakshatra (mitra, atimitra or sampat) transit of Moon in 9th house does not give adverse results. It is an average day with some favour from family and friends. There may be sudden arrival of your sibling’s spouse or friends in home. Native’s father may come across unexpected assignment or visit. Western practitioner assume 9th house for travel. But journey happens only when running dasa/antar endorses it, or if Jupiter or Rahu be domiciled in trine to Moon in birth chart. On personal level, transit of Moon in 9th does not yield monetary fruits; instead it favours visiting temples and shrines. But if radical Moon be located in fixed sign in natal horoscope then transit of Moon in 9th house from own natal position follows some unseen hurdles and unnecessary delay in fulfilling to-do list.
Transit of Moon in 10th House
This is a time to prove yourself and bear the fruits of your work. A dynamic and successful day is indicated by transit Moon in 10th house. Meeting and convincing authority, boss, head, and family elder bring forth favourable results. They welcome your point of view and show their trust upon you. On this day, if Sun and weekday lord are also moving into favourable houses, then advancing appeal, request, project or new idea before higher ups never turn down. Inviting authorities in homes or party uplifts one’s social standing. Interview or negotiation with jobs causes good result. This transit also favours religious ceremonies and charitable deeds in home and workplace, if there is natural benefic in 10th from Moon in birth chart. As a whole, this is a day to show your work and efforts publically, if Moon is also moving in good nakshatra. Moon in 10th house when transiting into evil nakshatra tara, although signifies success, but without personal satisfaction. In this condition, despite appreciation and admiration, one does not feel happy internally. Moreover, if an afflicted lord of the 8th from natal ascendant is in 10th from the Moon, or if there is occupation/aspect of two natural malefics in 10th from the natal Moon, then transit of Moon in 10th house from natal Moon does not indicate a very successful day. In mentioned condition, one accrues feeble and unsustainable good results, even if Moon simultaneously moves through good nakshatra tara.
Transit of Moon in 11th House
It’s a party time. Enjoy the day with family and friends. Gracious and jazzy feelings envelope the mind of native, if Moon is simultaneously in good nakshatra. It is also a house of earnings and transit of Moon often cause good news about promotion, return of lent money, financial dealings, and profits in business. Traders find smart monetary benefits. Youngsters find gifts and messages of good wishes from friends and family. Students receive award and appreciation for their good performance. House hold women please to serve gathering of relatives in home. Oldies experience happiness from children and grand children. Encountering new friend on this day leads to lasting association. Shopping and buying causes obtainment of good accessories against reasonable prices. Even 11th Moon if transiting in bad nakshatra does not much reduce auspiciousness – it merely produces feeling of physical tiredness, little delay in work and meetings with unknown people. Sometimes unexpected delay or impediments arise if said 11th house be a fixed sign. If Sun and weekday lord are side by side transiting into evil houses with respect to natal Moon then one does not encounter financial gain or enjoyment from friendly gathering. Rather, native will just hear the news of someone else’s promotion, profit and happiness.
Transit of Moon in 12th House
This lunar transit brings forth amalgam of good and bad effect. On material and mundane plane, transit of Moon in 12th house often results in unavoidable expenses and limited earning opportunities. One should avoid shopping and buying today, since it will always incur you excess cost. If Moon simultaneously moves through evil nakshatra and in natal horoscope there are malefic planets in 12th house, then you may fall from vehicles or encounter health problem related to eyes or feet. Your cell phone may steal, or you may forget where you put keys. Don’t surprise if you get traffic challan or excess bills today. Aged natives come across fatigue and differences with children on pocket money, utility bills, credit cards, or increasing expenditure. If afflicted lunar nodes or natural malefic planets are there in 12th from Moon in birth chart, then transit Moon in 12th may lead to significant loss on account of cheat or fraud. Transit of 12th Moon sometimes yields disturbed sleeping, change of sleeping place or scary dreams, provided weekday lord and Sun are transiting into bad houses. Being employee you feel yourself inactive and bored in office. But in good nakshatra, 12th Moon transit may produce divine inclination, spiritual experiences and inspirational dreams, provided natal chart also suggests such significations. However, for an ordinary soul it brings fickle mindedness, unnecessary expenses and aimless wandering.
* Daily transit of Moon foretells the state of mind, while transit of weekday lord and Sun affect the functions side by side for materialization of events. For judging a daily forecast, a crude formula may be forms as:
Daily Forecast = Moon Transit + Sun Transit + Weekday Lord Transit
Moon Transit => 50%
Sun Transit => 25%
Weekday Lord Transit => 25%
* Transit of Moon produces good effect in 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th houses from natal Moon sign. The result will be highly favourable if transit Moon is simultaneously sojourns in sampat, kshema, saadhana, mitra or atimitra nakshatra tara.
* Transit of Moon yields unfavourable effects in 4th, 8th and 12th houses from natal Moon sign. The result will be highly inauspicious if transit Moon is simultaneously sojourns in vimpat, pratyak or naidhana nakshatra tara.
* Good transit of Moon if coincides with favourable transit of weekday lord and Sun then it will surely make the day wonderful and gainful.
* Good transit of Moon if coincides with unfavourable transit of weekday lord and Sun then it will produce admixture of good and bad effect.
* Transit of Moon in 5th and 9th houses, or vacant signs of birth chart having ordinary SAV, indicate uneventful day.
* Transit of Moon in 4th, 8th and 12th houses from natal Moon sign, will definitely prove troublesome if afflicted Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars, Kharesh or lord of 8th is sitting in 4th, 8th and 12th houses from Moon sign in birth chart.
* If on a particular day, transiting weekday lord is conjoined or opposite to sensitive degree of birth chart, then Moon’s transit feebly manifests its effect.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Natural & Functional Lordships
A peculiar aspect of Indian astrology is the division of planets in natural and functional categories. Although, there are other classifications too, e.g., planets as karakas, planets as marakas etc., but the terms “natural” and “functional” appear more frequently in astrological books and blogs. Standard classical jyotish texts use saumya and krura; shubh and ashubh for this purpose. Although, saumya and krura are specific to natural lordship but the terms shubh and ashubh are often used for both natural and functional lords.
Natural Benefic and Malefic Planets
Out of navgraha (9 planets), Saturn, Mars are first rate natural malefic planets while Sun is malefic of secondary level, since it is more krura (cruel) than paapi (evil). Lunar nodes, i.e. Rahu and Ketu are again malefic by nature.
Among auspicious heavenly agents, Jupiter and Venus are all time benefic. However, there is difference of opinion whether Jupiter is more benefic or Venus. R. Santhanam, referring Parashar, says Venus holds greater amount of auspiciousness and Jupiter comes after Venus. In any case, both the planets are natural benefic.
By nature, Mercury and Moon are neither benefic nor malefic. Mercury can be benefic or malefic depending upon its association in the chart. With natural malefic planets, especially Saturn and Mars, it turns natural malefic, whereas in case of its association with natural malefic (especially Venus or Jupiter), Mercury behaves like natural benefic planet. The case of Moon is dependent upon its distance with Sun, or in simple words, upon the brightness of Moon. It is generally believed that Moon is natural benefic, if it lies 8th tithi of Shuklapaksh to 8th tithi of Krishnapaksh.
Now, there arises a logical question, about the rank or intensity of natural auspiciousness and inauspiciousness. Kalidasa in its monumental Uttrakalamrita answers this confusion. According to him, the planets can be rated as follows:
Planets Natural Benefic/Malefic
Jupiter and Full Moon: 100% natural benefic
Venus: 75% natural benefic
Mercury (well associated): 50% natural benefic
Moon (bright): 25% natural benefic
Moon (dark): 25% natural malefic
Mercury (ill associated): 25% natural malefic
Sun: 50% natural malefic
Mars and Rahu: 75% natural malefic
Saturn and Ketu: 100% natural malefic
Nonetheless, this classification is not espoused by all. Many medieval and modern astrology experts consider bright Moon as an effective agent of alleviating evils and spreading auspiciousness, not only for longevity, but also for luck matter as a whole. Resultantly, they rank Moon more potent than 25% naturally benefic as in above table. Similarly, there are some practitioners who always fear from Mars, more than Saturn. But, it should not forget that Kalidasa put down above rating for general purpose, and not for some specific purposes, say match-making, longevity, etc.
Functional Benefic and Malefic Planets
The second category of planetary behaviour is functional, which is also known as Graha Suabhava. Rather “functional benefic” and “functional malefic”, some writers also used the terms “temporary benefic” and “temporary malefic”. Sage Parashar thoroughly explained the functional nature of 7 planets for all 12 ascendants. Later, many a commentaries of BPHS deciphered the reasons behind labeling any planet as functional benefic or functional malefic. Even the famed script Laghu Parashar is entirely hinged upon the functional nature of planets.
Lets first dig out how a planet can become functional benefic or malefic. According to ownership, twelve houses of horoscope are categorized into four kinds.
House Groups for Functional Lordship
Kendra: Group of 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses
Kona: Group of 5th and 9th houses
Trishadai: Group of 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses
Parashraya: Group of 2nd, 8th, and 12th houses
Among navagraha, 7 planets are considered for determining whether a planet is functional benefic or malefic. Parashara did not consider ownership of Rahu and Ketu for this matter, otherwise later he explained Rahu/Ketu exaltation, ownership, etc.
There also exists a widespread confusion between dusthana and trishadai. It should be kept in mind that dusthana (duush+sthaan) means “evil place”, and it comprises 6th, 8th, and 12th houses. Whereas, the term trishadai or trishadayadhisas connotes, lords of 3rd, 6th and 11th. So the concept of dusthana is about evil houses and trishadai is about evil lordships.
Following rules are the summary of Parashar’s categorizations for weighing functional status of a planet for any ascendant.
Rule # 1.
Lords of kona (5, 9) can never be functional malefic while lords of trishadai (3, 6, 11) can never be functional benefic.
Rule # 2.
A planet, owning both kona (5, 9) and trishadai (3, 6, 11) houses, functions as admixture of good and bad, depending upon location of its mooltrikona sign.
Rule # 3.
A planet also becomes functional malefic when it simultaneously owns: (a) trishadai (3, 6, 11) and parashraya (12, 8, 2) houses; (b) trishadai (3, 6, 11) and kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) houses.
Rule # 4.
Best is the planet whose one sign be in kendara (1, 4, 7, 10) and another sign in kona (5, 9). And worst is the planet whose both signs lie in trishadai (3, 6, 11) houses.
Rule # 5.
A natural malefic as lord of kendra (excluding 7th-marakesh) turns functional benefic, but a natural benefic as lord of kendra (excluding 1st-lagnesh) turns functional malefic.
Rule # 6.
Lords of parashraya (12, 8, 2) may be functional malefic or benefic depending upon their ownership of second sign and relation with other planets. If second sign of langna lord lies in any of parashraya (12, 8, 2) houses then it does not turn functional malefic.
It is evident from above rules that functional or temporal lordships are dependant more on trishadi than dusthana. Saturn, neither own any of dusthana from Aries lagna, but Parashar holds it a first rate functional malefic and yoga-bhang-karaka. One the other hand, Mercury, however owns undesirable 8th house from Aquarius ascendant, but it is not completely functional malefic in the eyes of Parashar.
Purpose and Application
It is known to all that natural lordship of planet is the fundamental criterion of astrological interpretations. For natural benefic or malefic, planets manifest their natural significations. Say, Jupiter is the significator of dharma for all ascendants, irrespective of its lordships of good or bad houses. The karakattwas or significations of all natural benefic planets increase when (without malefic association) they occupy in kendra or kona. Similarly, all natural benefic planets enhance the favourable significations of houses they occupy or aspect.
Almost all chapters of “House Analysis” in standard Jyotish canons pay more attention to natural attributes of planets than functional. Suppose, if Saturn is occupied in 4th house in Leo, for a Taurus ascendant chart then one should not interpret this location as favourable, just on account of Saturn’s being functional benefic for Taurus. No, here Saturn may destroy domestic happiness and parental care (provided other factors do not strongly counter this bad placement of Saturn). It is different from above that native may simultaneously accrue good effect of lord of 9th and 10th in 4th house. Take another example. Parashar assumes Sun as functional malefic for Libra rising (since it owns one of the trishadai). Suppose the very Sun is occupied in 10th house (in Cancer) then one should NOT explain this placement as evil signature in 10th house because a functional malefic is there. No doubt, here Sun in 10th house as natural malefic means krura karma (taking other factors constant). But in friendly-benefic sign with directional strength, Sun in 10th house may augment native’s deed, career and social standings for said Libra rising.
On the other hand, functional lordship has certain specific purposes. Its first and foremost objective is figuring out good or bad planetary periods as per vimshottari dasa. But it ought to bear in mind that functional lordship is the first, but not the sole criterion of judging a dasa. Another objective of functional lordship is to weigh the strength of chart through yoga karakas in the nativity. Parashar maintains certain yoga karaka signatures along with functional lordship.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
18th Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan
President Asif Ali Zardari signed the draft of long-held 18th Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan on Monday, April 19, 2010. It is one of the most significant milestones in the history of Pakistan, as this Amendment abolishes defamed Article 58 (2b), strengthens Article 6, and revitalizes promised provincial autonomy.

Earlier, before tabling in the assembly, all political parties reached to a consensus on April 1st, 2010 at 10:44 PM and National Assembly adopted the Bill on April 8, 2010 at 6:32 PM. But constitutionally it is the signing of President that makes any Bill, Ordinance or Law effective. Therefore chart based on the signature of President on the draft of Amendment is taken for astrological analysis. At that memorable moment, the Virgo ascendant was rising at the sidereal heaven of Islamabad.

Placement of Saturn in the ascendant is not considered an auspicious indication for any shubh mahurath (chosen time of a good task). Similarly, the karaka of constitutional matters (i.e. Jupiter) in 6th house is ominous for promulgation of such an important Amendment. Waxing Moon is well placed in 10th house, but she is in the grip of Rahu/Ketu axis and under malefic argala of Mars and Saturn. Moreover, lord of 9th Venus and lord of 1st Mercury in 8th house is another extremely undesirable position. Summing up these astrological factors, the horoscope is not potent enough for “implementation of 18th Amendment in reality”. In other words, salient promises and proposals in the draft, viz.; convergence of power from president to prime minister, provincial autonomy, limitation of number of ministers, abolishment of concurrent list, and decentralization of power will not materialize. Beyond the curtain of compromises and national interests, on-going deviation will remain continue. Yet, it does not mean the open invalidation of the 18 Amendment due to army coupe, judicial intervention or revolution. Since the 9th house is sandwiched in between natural benefic planets, therefore the constitutional amendment will continue to exist (on paper) but without manifestation.
On the other hand, retrogression of two significant planets i.e. lord of ascendant (Mercury-R) and occupant of ascendant (Saturn-R), clearly suggest reversal of few clauses in the 18th Amendment sooner or later.
Occupation of benefic planets in 6th and 8th, Saturn in 1st and Rahu in 4th is a definite yoga for contempt of law and violation of rule. Thus one should not hope the real execution of suggested changes in the Amendment. Even if some of the clauses come into effect, they would entail dispute and mayhem among and within stakeholders.
Saturn’s placement in the lagna shows influence and efforts of politicians in making and shaping the draft. But for Virgo rising, Saturn is not a pure functional benefic planet. One of its signs (Aquarius) falls into 6th house – the abode of dispute and differences. Interestingly, karaka of judiciary, i.e. Jupiter is sitting there. And Saturn automatically becomes the dispositor of Jupiter. Both are mutually 6th-8th. Therefore the opposition of the said Amendment is obvious from judicial circle. Since there is not any trine or association in between Jupiter and Mars, therefore military will not dare to support the judiciary against government. Similarly, anti-government instance of judiciary (over this issue) will not get any favour from the masses due to Moon’s close position to Ketu and occupation of Rahu in 4th house. Yet, it will get some feeble back from bureaucracy, doctors, and lawyers. Another signature of clash between parliament and judiciary is the placement of alone Rahu in between Saturn and Jupiter. The feared conflict may seem extreme when Jupiter will get retrograde in Pisces (in late July and August 2010). But some foreign source (due to Rahu) will come forward for ceasing the differences. Since Saturn (however retrograde) is in the lagna and Jupiter is in 6th house therefore politicians say (on the 18th Amendment) will hold in the end and judiciary will have to step back.
Mars is debilitated in the 11th house of Cancer but it is quite strong in its own navamsa of Scorpio – that says might of military will remain hidden. Note also Mars does not form any direct relation (sambandh) with lagna, lagna lord, 9th house or 9th lord (it only uni-directionally aspects Jupiter). Consequently, army establishment will not endeavour to violate or plot against the 18th Amendment in up coming years. This is also true in the light of Pakistan’s birth chart.
In long run, the major change or invalidation of the 18th Amendment will happen in mid 2019 when transit Saturn will retrograde over radical Rahu in third decanate of Sagittarius rashi. Astrologically, the total tenure of the 18th Amendment is not more than 11 years. In the year 2021-22, (when Saturn will transit Aquarius over radical Jupiter and aspect 9th lord Venus) the said Amendment will seize to exist.