The Saturn-Moon association is also called Punarphoo dosha and considered an unwelcome signature for early and peaceful marital bliss. It may break engagement, produce unexpected delay in marriage, or even mar the marital life, unless fortified by natural benefic planets. I’ve seen many a charts having Saturn-Moon relation led to delayed or even no marriage at all.
Like other yogas and planetary combination, Saturn-Moon association mainly depends upon involved signs and houses. A house shows the area of life (home, office, temple, bedroom, relationship, love etc.) while sign indicates how an event may occur. On the other hand, lord of rashi and karakas stand for spirited bodies and living beings (e.g. parents, wife, teacher, boss, pets etc). Hence when Saturn influences 7th house then this indicates delayed marriage and/or cold/indifferent spousal relationship. On the other hand, if Saturn influences 7th lord and karaka then this shows diseased spouse and/or aged partner, obviously when other things being constant.
The native of following chart however got married in early twenties but confronted a husband doubled in age. Note the parivartana between Saturn and Moon in first and seventh houses. Although destined with sons and daughters, she is a neglected wife with cold marital relations.

As far as no-marriage is concern, Mother Teresa’s austere life is an example to look in the light of Saturn-Moon association. She was a soul filled with unparallel love and unshakable faith, but she never married and led a life of catholic nun.

Kalyana Varma generalizes Sani-Soma sambandh as; “When the Moon and Saturn be together, the native will possess a decayed wife, be dear to public, will breed elephants and horses, devoid of virtues, under the control of others, poor and defeated.” (Saravali XV, 12)
But no individual yoga or dosha is responsible for materializing any event. Exceptions (in the form of drishti, yuti, amsha, dispositors etc.) modify, even change the results at all. So before inferring any conclusion the ‘relative strength’ of conjunction, aspect, occupation etc should work out. Noted Vedic astrologer B.V. Raman’s chart is a good example in this regard. Dr. Raman married quite early in life and enjoyed a happy and smooth marital life, despite having Saturn-Moon association.

Let’s find the reason why Dr. Raman neither confronted any marital or relational enigma. There is a fairly powerful aspect of Jupiter on Sat-Moon from Scorpio. Note that Jupiter’s aspect is stronger than Saturn’s conjunction (whenever multiple planets are involved do consider Spusta Drishti taught by Maharishi Parasar). Moreover, seventh lord–Sun is in chara rashi, getting aspect of Jupiter and dhan-argala of Venus, Mercury and Mars (this favours early gain of spouse). Thirdly, the Moon’s rashi dispositor and kalatar-karaka Venus is in 7th and aspecting the lagna. For reader’s interest, I point out a peculiar Raja Yoga formed by Saturn and Moon. Vidyanatha in his Jataka Parijata narrates;
“If the Moon is conjunction with Saturn in 11th, 4th or 10th, the native will become a king (when born in royal family) otherwise will be rich and like a king.”
Note that in natural zodiac, mentioned houses are ruled by Saturn (10th and 11th) and Moon (4th).
Hi Imran,
ReplyDeleteNice write up. Can you also comment on the parivrajak yogas formed by Shani and moon?
Dear Rajarshi,
ReplyDeletePravrajya Yoga (planetary combinations leading to asceticism) is still a matter of interest amongst Hindus. However, it is a universal phenomenon and the said yoga may be found in nativities of Buddhist monks, Christians Priests, Muslims Sufis etc. who renounce the mundane affairs.
Parashar's Brahat Hora Sastra lays down following parivraja yoga, involving Moon and Saturn.
* If sign dispositor of Moon, having no aspect of other planets on himself, aspects Saturn, the native gets initiated into the holy order of the planet, who is stronger amongst the two.
* If sign dispositor of Moon, is devoid of strength and aspected only by Saturn, the native becomes a naked sadhu, signified by Saturn.
* If Moon be in the drekkhana of Saturn, and in the navamsa of Saturn or Mars and be aspected by Saturn, the native becomes an ascetic and enters the holy order, signified by Satrun.
(BPHS: Chapters 79 of Santhanam translation and Chapter 81 of G.C.Sharma translation)
I've also seen this Saturn-Moon pravaraja yoga in the charts of researchers and scientists who have given up worldly interests and family relations for the sake of their subject.
Hi Imran
ReplyDeleteAn interesting write up. What I find somewhat confusing is that for a Makara Lagna is Sat as the Lagnesh a malefic? And how can he harm himself? I ask because in a similar Makara Lagna Chart (DOB: 18/9/1975, Time: 16:30, 72E51 19N14) Moon is in the 2nd and in parivartana with Sat in the 7th, the male person is still unmarried at 34 years of age even though Moon has a benefic aspect from Venus in the 8th and Sat from Jup in the 3rd. Interestingly in D-9 Moon is in the 7th with 5/9 relationships with Venus in 11th and Sat in 3rd. Further Venus, as yogkaraka and also the karaka for marriage is weakened by its 8th placement as also aspected by the Badhaka Mars in the 5th.
So in this case is marriage delayed or denied altogether? Will appreciate your comments.
Hi Imran,
ReplyDeleteI must say, its a very good write-up, especially example.What would you say about Moon, Saturn conjunct in 12th house in libra, with 8th aspect of mars. Jupiter is there in lagna. Mars and venus in 5th house. Sun and Mercury in 4th house. Rahu in 8th and Ketu in 2nd and scorpio is the ascendant with jupiter as mentioned earlier.
So what would be your prediction about the marraige prospects and married life here.
Hi Imran,
ReplyDeleteWhat happens if jup moon saturn in leo house for a leo asc.
Jupiter and Saturn may exchange their characters.
Deletehi imran.. do you do astrology reports? whats the best way to contact you?
ReplyDeleteDear Imran,
ReplyDeleteI have sat, moon & sun in 10th house, leo sign is occupying here. I am a scorpio asc.
kindly let me know am I affected by this punarphoo dosha. DOB is 02/09/1978,, marriage date 19th feb 2006.
awaiting ur reply.
Than Q,
sir ,
ReplyDeletewhat if a person has saturn+moon in 10th house in saggitarious and rahu un 11th house. saturn and rahu both aspecting 7th house. comment on relationships and marriage of this person
in wait of youru reply
I have Moon alone in 10th house and SAturn in first house alone again. Tauras is lagna. Any comments on this ??
ReplyDeleteMars is in 4th house, thats lord of 7th and 12 th house again.
I think you've got the horoscope of Mother Teresa wrong. She had Scorpio lagna with Saturn Moon placement in 6th house which deals with debts, diseases, poverty & service. That is why she gave service to the diseased people living below poverty line. No offence meant to anyone & I humbly apologise if I have accidentally hurt anyone's sentiments as it was never my intention
ReplyDeletehi my date of birth Is 05-05-1987 and Time of birth is 10:24 pm
ReplyDeleteat vijayawada In the stae of Andhra pradesh and located in India.
One of the person said in my Jathaka i have Punarpho dosha.Marriage is dealy.tell me some remides...........
Hi Imran,
ReplyDeleteif possible, please look at my Sat-Moon in 10th yoga.
too much mental tension going on currently, any remedy suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated.
Jan 6, 1968 - 17.15 pm
Long - 73E07
Lat - 22N42
hi ALL
ReplyDeleteMy DoB - 20/3/1984, Time - 04.30 am, Place - Pune. i'm interested in modelling & acting, wil i become an actor.
i have saturn and moon together in 2nd house, aspected by jupiter in 10th house. do i have punarphoo dosh ? D.O.B. IS 7th april 1973, 6:20 a.m., Lucknow (u.p.) india.
ReplyDeleteplease help
DeleteI do have a purnaphoo yoga, but does it lead to only delay in marraige or other important events as well , for my case i got married at 27
ReplyDeleteDetails- 13 Sept 1979, 4.24 pm, Mumbai
Moon is exalted in Taurus ( 5th Hosue) and Saturn is in Leo (8th house), my ascendant is Capricon
I have saturn jupiter and moon in conjunction in 6th I have Punarphoo Dosha
ReplyDeleteHi..I have saturn and moon in 7th house.That mean i wont get married?
ReplyDeleteRahu in 2nd house,sun and mercury in 5th house,venus in 6th house,kethu and mars in 8th house and jupiter in 8th..
Jupiter in 8th is bad..
Deletein my horoscope,3rd house saturn aspecting moon in 9th house,,so what would be happened??
ReplyDeleteanyway I can contact you
ReplyDeletehi all i have ,Sagittarius lagna ,jupiter is in lagna, but 8th lord moon is in 5th aspecting Saturn in 11th house.
ReplyDelete6-12-1984 time:-08:39 am
place :- visnagar India.
can u tell me ,why my is social image is suffering , and suffering due to loss of reputation, where as my jupiter is good and lagna lord is in lagna also having hansa yoga.
I have Saturn-moon combination in 2nd house (Capricorn lagna
ReplyDelete-sun,mer,venus in 12th,jupiter in 4th, mangal in 9th,nodes in5/11th house,)I was through Saturn mahadasha from 1994-2013,can any astrologer in the world can predict correctly,what kind of period this was on family, job/business front,status etc,BIRTH DETS.--7/1/1965,T.O.B.-9.20 AM,CHANDIGARH,INDIA. IT'S CHALLENGE--Uptill now ,no modern/contemporary astrologer can predict correctly.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSanjeev Dutt, no human astrologer can predict your life events correctly past or future. Only God can. Your past you know. So you have a good idea how your prarabdha karma or life has been so far. Learn the basics of astrology and then see how things will work out for you. For example Saturn and Moon in second house in Aquarius is very good for earning money if it is done through the right ways without any hanky panky business. Your 7th house ruler Moon in the second house with a very strong Saturn has mixed results. Your spouse or partner will also earn a lot of money for herself and you. So do the predictions yourself instead of depending on other astrologers. It is much more fun.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhat happened when moon satrun in 11 house with shing rashi
ReplyDeleteMoon in 10th Saturn in 4th please mention its effects..
ReplyDeleteSir please tell me remedies for chandra shani in lagna.
ReplyDeleteMy birth chart has Moon is conjunction with Saturn in 11th house. Means rich, luxurious & prosperous life...Let's see. Thanks...
ReplyDeletewhat happen when saturn and moon in 11th houswe of aqurius,..........
ReplyDeleteIn Lagna chart I have moon & saturn positioned in 4th house, Wat does it means? Plzz reply
ReplyDeleteIn Lagna chart I have moon & saturn positioned in 4th house, Wat does it means? Plzz reply
ReplyDeleteSaturn-Moon combinations makes people attracted to masses. It is very good for politicians. In Mrs.Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi,and Mr.K.ChandraShekar Rao horoscopes , you can very well observe these combination of Saturn-Moon by special aspect like Saturn aspect Moon by third aspect etc., for example.
ReplyDeleteIf the Moon is in 5th house from Lagna and Saturn is in 11th from Moon , which results in aspect of Saturn on Moon by his third aspect , it will ruin the education of even a very promising and intelligent boy. The education may be ruined because of psychological problems of that student or because of his/her mental perversions( may be sexual perversions) or because of his or her lover affairs while in college. It can even be because of student being given himself to ideas of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutions.
ReplyDelete5th house represents study among other natures. So here the aspect of Saturn-Moon ruins education and likewise you have to predict according the houses involved in the aspect or conjunction of Saturn with Moon.
If the Moon is in 5th house from Lagna and Saturn is in 11th from Moon , which results in aspect of Saturn on Moon by his third aspect , it will ruin the education of even a very promising and intelligent boy. The education may be ruined because of psychological problems of that student or because of his/her mental perversions( may be sexual perversions) or because of his or her lover affairs while in college. It can even be because of student being given himself to ideas of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist revolutions.
ReplyDelete5th house represents study among other natures. So here the aspect of Saturn-Moon ruins education and likewise you have to predict according the houses involved in the aspect or conjunction of Saturn with Moon.
Saturn-Moon combinations makes people attracted to masses. It is very good for politicians. In Mrs.Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi,and Mr.K.ChandraShekar Rao horoscopes , you can very well observe these combination of Saturn-Moon by special aspect like Saturn aspect Moon by third aspect etc., for example.
ReplyDeleteBut all of them are having kaal sarp dosh in their natal chart which resulted positively.
DeleteNative born in Anaheim,california,USA:Aug13,1998:10.56am. I am confused about the placement of sat-moon in 8th house in aries sign.Native was separated from father for 16 years and rejoined recently.I will appreciate if you can throw some light on that.
Native born in Anaheim,california,USA:Aug13,1998:10.56am. I am confused about the placement of sat-moon in 8th house in aries sign.Native was separated from father for 16 years and rejoined recently.I will appreciate if you can throw some light on that.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDear sir,
ReplyDeleteMy DOB: 6 april 1976 0.28 (AM) (female) born Colombo, still all attempts to marriage get delays. Pls advice me, is there any remedy or ritual which is in the possible reach for me to perform as remedies pls.
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteMy DOB: 6 april 1976 0.28 (AM) (female) born Colombo, still all attempts to marriage get delays. Pls advice me, is there any remedy or ritual which is in the possible reach for me to perform as remedies pls.
Bhaskar---October19,2016 at17:o8.Dear Sir Mydaughters DOB 16Feb1982.Birth Place-NASIK Maharahtra.time-21:36.we are not succeeded yet her marriage.Is it because of PUNARFU or any? Plz.Guide.
ReplyDeleteDear Rajarishi,
ReplyDeleteSridas ** November 11, 1976, TIME: 11:55 A.M. POB: Chennai. I have Saturn and Moon parivartana, Moon in Capricorn 12th house and Saturn in Cancer 6th house. I am an Aquarius Ascendant, currently running Saturn MD Saturn AD. Could you please tell me whether the above parivartana will disturb my family life or professional or is it going to be good.
Sir,if it interests you I give you my birth data:I'm a female, still unmarried out of conviction :September 1st 1966,17:38 pm Cairo, Egypt. Melancholic disposition often stressed but inner essence of my soul is optimistic and peaceful. Thanks for reading
ReplyDeleteRespected Rajarishi
ReplyDeleteI have parivartana moon and Saturn.
Saturn in cancer and moon in Aquarius
My DOB is 24/04/76 12:40 pm blore
Can you tell me my obstructions which am not able over come been have continues failures in career personal and financial aspects
And I am cancer ascended